Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm in Florida!!! / Day 3

So my mom and I started out driving at 7:30 this morning from Jersey.  The GPS gave such good directions, we decided that unless we were super tired, we would just drive straight through to Florida.  We stopped for 30 minutes to eat lunch then got gas twice more stopping only for a few minutes each time to get gas and subs to eat on the way.

The drive was pretty boring but that's the way you want it to be; no accidents.  Actually, there was virtually no traffic at all.  We had pretty smooth sailing all the way down here.  So since we;re a day early, we'll prob get to do some more shopping.  Yea!!

So ... Day 3:  My Favourite Heroine

My fave would be Mulan.  She's powerful and becomes sure of herself.  Plus, she's got a great sidekick; Mushu.

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